Sunday, October 15, 2006

Shao Wen : 3 months old

Sleeping Beauty with finger yummy

Typical looking

serious face looking

Shao Wen is 3 months old now. Her face is changing almost every week. She become more adorable and cute. She presents her smiling face whenever someone looking at her, talking to her or calling her name. This has attracted many applaund from relatives. She has grown to 5.5 kg. Now she can use M size diapers. She is socialable because everyone can hold her but not too long. Therefore, we can bring her visiting relative house frequently and she can adapt to the environment quite easily.

She learns to suck her thumbs and fingers whenever she feels hungry and uneasy. Doctor saids that this is good for her mental development. Hence, we are not stopping her. The way she sucks her finger is stylist too. Sometime, she has problem to coordinate her fingers nicely and put them in the mouth. She will get angry and frustrated with it. That is so cute~~ haha...

She is now to learn flip her body. Her persistance is good in learning and she practices flipping everyday. I think she can do it soon. (keep it up girl~~). After training for almost a month in tawau, she is improving in letting out her temper . She can control and have more tolerent to the uncomfort situation.

She loves to play with people especially you are talking to her and call her name. She will reply to you with some sound (Too bad we can't interpret her meaning, LOL!) As long as she is smiling and continous showing her enthusiasm in making some sounds, we will continue to talk to her. I believe she can speak well when the time is mature.

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