Monday, September 25, 2006

Shao Wen : Actions in Tawau

She try to stand for a post!

Playing with grandma-in-law

She "peh" her grandma-in-law

She is wearing a shirt bought in New Zealand last Nov

She is so happy and laughing
when her great grandma-in-law playing with her

Shao Wen is staying in Tawau with her grand-parent-in-law for about 1 months. I just received some photos transferred from Tawau. Enclosed are some photos to update you how does Shao Wen look like now~~ She is more cute and enjoy in smiling when anyone call her name. She is used to give a sidelong glance. She is adorable and chubby especially her double chin (obvious). She seems to attract everyone attention to hug her in Tawau. We miss her so much and wait for her to go home on 7 Oct.

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